Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What is the Buddhist concept of rebirth?

Buddhists view death as exiting one realm of existence and entering another. The cycle of rebirth into countless lives continues until final enlightenment and Nirvana occurs. Rebirth is not the same as reincarnation, as Buddhists do not perceive an eternal soul, which migrates to a new physical form. Rather, the body and mind are continually changing death is merely another change. While body and mind are impermanent, they are also interrelated throughout time and space. Every voluntary action produced by one’s body, speech, and mind will have consequences, either in the current life or a future one. This is the principle of karma and it incorporates what Buddhists know as the Law of Cause and Effect. Karma is thus a system of ethics, which maintains that good deeds result in positive effects, while bad deeds produce negative results. If a voluntary action is said to be a seed, then the outcome is the fruits.

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